Recipe for Potato Cake
- 3 large potatoes
- 1 capsicum
- 1/2 cup grated cheese
- 1/2 cup bread crumbs
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1red chilli crushed
- 2 tsp butter
- 1 tbsp. plain flour
Cooking Directions
The potatoes will turn out best if boiled and refrigerated overnight before using.
Do not peel potatoes. Slice into thin rounds or grate coarsely.
Deseed capsicum and slice into thin rounds
Heat a thick nonstick pan about 5" diameter.Meanwhile mix cheese, milk, crumbs, flour and chilli.
If mixture feels thin, add some more bread crumbs.Add salt to taste. Apply 1 tsp. on bottom of pan.
Arrange potatoes to cover the pan. Top with capsicum.Pour the mixture all over evenly. Level to cover all the potatoes.
.Sprinkle fresh ground pepper, salt and simmer on low till bottom is golden brown.
Flip over very carefully with a wide sharp spatula, and roast the other side.
Let in the remaining butter around the edges to seep down.
Let other side become golden brown too.Flip on serving plate and make sections with a knife.
Serve hot and crisp.
by (few years ago!) / 761 views