Jawad Ahmad songs lyrics

Lyrics Duration Views Rating
Deewane 2678 (not rated)
Waikhi theray Jai 2557 (not rated)
Mehndi 3492 3 out of 5
Allah Mere Dil Ke Ander 2860 (not rated)
Bhar De Jholi 2839 (not rated)
Bin Tere Kia Hai Jena 2315 (not rated)
Bol Tujhay Kia Chahiaye 2199 (not rated)
Kali Ankhein 2686 (not rated)
Lai Mein Uchayan 5776 3 out of 5
Mein Tujh Se Piyar 2094 (not rated)
Palkon Ke Chamaktay 1794 (not rated)
Hum Tere Say Aysa Piyar Kartey Hain 2138 (not rated)
Humain Tum Say Piyar Hai 14690 3 out of 5
Yehi To Hai Apna Pan 6669 (not rated)
Kaise Kahoon 2245 (not rated)
Aja Ho Balia 11770 5 out of 5
Aoa Dharti Ko Rang Dein 2815 (not rated)
Tarey Dub Gai Nay 4777 (not rated)
Tak Dhina Dhin 4930 (not rated)
Jind Jan Sohniyah 2943 (not rated)

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