Age: 33
4884 days old here
Total Posts: 353
Points : 12
quetta, Pakistan
Status : Offline |
Subject : (ABRIVATIONS) What does AA stand for? ****** AA Automobile Association (England) ****** AA Ana (Greek: the same amount each) ****** AA Battery Size ****** AA Associate in Arts (degree) ****** AA As Above ****** AA Architectural Association (London, England) ****** AA Athletic Association ****** AA Asian American ****** AA Bra Size ****** AA Administrative Assistant ****** AA Anti-Aircraft ****** AA Aruba ****** AA Amino Acid ****** AA Atomic Absorption ****** AA Ann Arbor (Michigan) ****** AA Action-Adventure (movie genre) ****** AA Appropriate Action ****** AA Armed Forces Americas ****** AA Academy Award(s) ****** AA Addicts Anonymous ****** AA Anti-Aliasing ****** AA Acrylic Acid ****** AA Anaheim Angels (major league baseball team) ****** AA Asset Allocation ****** AA Anne Arundel (Maryland county) ****** AA Acetic Acid ****** AA Attendance Allowance (UK housing subsidy) ****** AA Austrian Airlines ****** AA Arachidonic Acid ***** AA Auto Assault ***** AA Attitude Adjustment (Alcoholics Anonymous) ***** AA Architecture d'Aujourd'hui (French: Architecture Today; magazine) ***** AA Acronym Attic ***** AA Arthur Andersen (consulting firm) ***** AA Adjustment Assistance ***** AA American Aviation ***** AA Associate Administrator ***** AA Assistant Administrator ***** AA Australian Army ***** AA Auswärtiges Amt (Exterior Office) ***** AA Ansel Adams (photographer) ***** AA All After ***** AA Active Army ***** AA Aviation Archive (publication) ***** AA Axis & Allies (game) ***** AA Anonymous Access (3GPP) ***** AA Access Authorization ***** AA Analysis and Applications (mathematics) ***** AA Angle of Attack ***** AA Abdominal Aorta ***** AA Amon Amarth (band) ***** AA Authoritative Answer (DNS) ***** AA Appropriate Authority ***** AA Appointing Authority ***** AA Ao Ano (Per Year; Brazil) ***** AA Accumulated Amortization (accounting) ***** AA Administrative Assistance (Congress) ***** AA Angels & Airwaves (band) ***** AA Animal Aid ***** AA Acetic Anhydride ***** AA Asian-African ***** AA Administrative Authority ***** AA Action Aid (UK) ***** AA Automated Attendant ***** AA Attack Attack! (band) ***** AA Anxiety Attack ***** AA Assembly Area ***** AA Audio Adrenaline (band) ***** AA Arithmetic Average ***** AA Acts of the Apostles (bible) ***** AA Auto Aim (gaming) ***** AA Anonyma Alkoholister (Sweden) ***** AA Anti-Armor (US DoD) ***** AA AUSCERT Advisory (Australian Computer Emergency Response Team) ***** AA Agent Aika (anime character) ***** AA Activation Analysis ***** AA Ad Acta ***** AA Ansett Airways (Australia) ***** AA Analysis of Alternatives **** AA Approving Authority **** AA Arnold Arboretum (Harvard University) **** AA Arn Anderson (pro wrestler) **** AA Acute Abdomen **** AA Anders And **** AA Associative Arrays (PERL programming) **** AA Administrative Associate **** AA Avenue of Approach **** AA Anonyme Alkoholikere (Alcoholics Anonymous) **** AA Activity Area **** AA Andrei Arshavin (Russian soccer player) **** AA Account Administrator **** AA Andecha Astur (Asturian Nationalist Party) **** AA Acquisition Activities **** AA Aromatic Amine (chemical for industrial crop production) **** AA Assistance Administration **** AA Active Application **** AA Application Activity **** AA Administering Agency (DOL) **** AA Aku Ankka (Finnish: Donald Duck) **** AA Aberdeen Area (Maryland) **** AA Athletics Australia **** AA Average Audience **** AA Attainment Area (EPA) **** AA Atlanto-Axial (joint) **** AA Anadolu Ajansi (Turkish News Agency) **** AA Attack Assessment **** AA Automatic Answer **** AA Attribute Authority **** AA Academic Administrator **** AA Autoanswer **** AA Académie d'Architecture (French: Academy of Architecture) **** AA Amy Acker (actress) **** AA Axis of Advance **** AA Austere Academy (Lemony Snicket) **** AA Adios Amigo **** AA Accreditation Authority **** AA Approval Action **** AA Arboricultural Association (Hampshire, England) **** AA Asian Avenue (website) **** AA Application Administrator **** AA Authorized Absence **** AA Assistant Administration **** AA Arithmetical Average **** AA Anchor Assembly **** AA Absent All (day; attendance record) **** AA Acting Appointment **** AA Aminoacetone **** AA Acupuncture Analgesia **** AA Aspect Angle (aviation) **** AA Automatic Approach **** AA Avro Arrow (aviation) **** AA Associate in Accounting **** AA Antiquities Authority **** AA Adaptive Array **** AA Administrative Arrangement **** AA Assignment Area (Census) **** AA Always Afloat (shipping) **** AA Absolute Altitude **** AA Applied Aerodynamics (course) **** AA Accounting Authority (INMARSAT) *** AA Application Association *** AA Ablative Absolute *** AA Author's Alteration *** AA Amount Administered *** AA Absolute Abstinence (Alcoholics Anonymous) *** AA Area of Action *** AA Achievement Age *** AA Avian Adventures (bird products) *** AA Acronym Abuse *** AA Anatomical Adaptation *** AA Ancient Adena (Lineage 2 game) *** AA Achieved Availability *** AA Acquisition Agent *** AA Arrival Angle *** AA Automated Auction *** AA Allah Akhbar (Arabic: God is Great) *** AA Audit Agent *** AA Aptitude Area *** AA Amstrad Action (Amstrad CPC magazine) *** AA Archery Australia *** AA Authorized Allowance *** AA Approximate Absolute (temperature scale) *** AA Analog-to-Analog *** AA Arithmetic Accuracy *** AA Amplitude of Accommodation (ophthalmology) *** AA Approved Apparatus *** AA Abort Accept (ITU-T) *** AA Applicant Assistance (DHS/FEMA) *** AA Active-Assistive *** AA assessment agent *** AA Abbreviated Analysis *** AA Amiga Anywhere *** AA Anesthesiologist's Assistant *** AA Academy of Aphasia *** AA Advices of Allowance *** AA Acadia Axemen (Acadia Junior High School) *** AA Antiochian Archdiocese (United States Eastern Orthodox Church subordinate to the Patriarch of Antioch) *** AA Accountable Area *** AA Atrophia Areata *** AA Ape Alliance *** AA Argentum Astrum (Aleister Crowley's Mystical Fraternity) *** AA Active Adjunct (Sonar) *** AA Agility Addicts (UK dog agility club) *** AA Arsenal do Alfeite (Portuguese: Arsenal of Alfeite) *** AA Automatic Adjust *** AA Alter Aeon (online role playing game) *** AA Accountable Activity (US DoD) ** AA Austrian Alliance (gaming clan) ** AA Associazione Allievi (Allievi Association, Italy) ** AA Amarillo Area Office (US DoE) ** AA Angle Angle Similarity Postulate (geometry) ** AA Ann Arbor Railroad Company (Michigan) ** AA Axillary Arch (area near the shoulder) ** AA Anderson Analytics, LLC ** AA Amigos en Acción (Spanish) ** AA Académie d'Alsace ** AA Accredited in Accountancy ** AA Adam's Army ** AA Annulus Air ** AA Autos Anciennes Garage (French automotive repair company)
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