Forums > Education > Talent

Age: 26 Male
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RWP, Pakistan

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Subject : Talent
Ihsann ko Din Ma kitney Gantey soona chiyen

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Posted on January, 19 2013 10:51:42 PM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
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peshawar, Pakistan

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“One of the things I know about writing is this: spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, all, right away, every time. Do not hoard what seems good for a later place in the book or for another book; give it, give it all, give it now. The impulse to save something good for a better place later is the signal to spend it now. Something more will arise for later, something better. These things fill from behind, from beneath, like well water. Similarly, the impulse to keep to yourself what you have learned is not only shameful, it is destructive. Anything you do not give freely and abundantly becomes lost to you. You open your safe and find ashes.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:04:11 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

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“Sometimes we fight who we are, struggling against ourselves and our natures. But we must learn to accept who we are and appreciate who we become. We must love ourselves for what and who we are, and believe in our talents.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:05:24 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

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“We are told that talent creates its own opportunities. But it sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities but its own talents.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:06:57 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
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peshawar, Pakistan

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“I know I have a pretty good sense for music, but she was better than me. I used to think it was such a waste! I thought, ‘If only she had started out with a good teacher and gotten the proper training, she’d be so much further along!’ But I was wrong about that. She was not the kind of child who could stand proper training. There just happen to be people like that. They’re blessed with this marvelous talent, but they can’t make the effort to systematize it. They end up squandering it in little bits and pieces. I’ve seen my share of people like that. At first you think they’re amazing. Like, they can sight-read some terrifically difficult piece and do a damn good job playing it all the way through. You see them do it, and you’re overwhelmed. you think, ‘I could never do that in a million years.’ But that’s as far as they go. They can’t take it any further. And why not? Because they won’t put in the effort. Because they haven’t had the discipline pounded into them. They’ve been spoiled. They have just enough talent so they’ve been able to play things well without any effort and they’ve had people telling them how great they are from the time they’re little, so hard work looks stupid to them. They’ll take some piece another kid has to work on for three weeks and polish it off in half the time, so the teacher figures they’ve put enough into it and lets them go to the next thing. And they do that in half the time and go on to the next piece. They never find out what it means to be hammered by the teacher; they lose out on a certain element required or character building. It’s a tragedy.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:08:46 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

Status : Offline
“There is no excuse for anyone to write fiction for public consumption unless he has been called to do so by the presence of a gift. It is the nature of fiction not to be good for much unless it is good in itself.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:09:54 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

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“…because talent isn't genius, and no amount of energy can make it so. I want to be great, or nothing.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:10:57 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

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“I told her once I wasn’t good at anything. She told me survival is a talent.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:12:37 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
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peshawar, Pakistan

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“It's okay to disagree with the thoughts or opinions expressed by other people. That doesn't give you the right to deny any sense they might make. Nor does it give you a right to accuse someone of poorly expressing their beliefs just because you don't like what they are saying. Learn to recognize good writing when you read it, even if it means overcoming your pride and opening your mind beyond what is comfortable.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:13:40 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

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“...You can do something extraordinary, and something that a lot of people can't do. And if you have the opportunity to work on your gifts, it seems like a crime not to. I mean, it's just weakness to quit because something becomes too hard...”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:15:01 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

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“Talent is cheap; dedication is expensive. It will cost you your life.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:16:20 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

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“Human resources are like natural resources; they're often buried deep. You have to go looking for them, they're not just lying around on the surface. You have to create the circumstances where they show themselves.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:17:21 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

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“When emerging from humble beginnings, those around you tend to underestimate your authenticity because they knew you before you were 'somebody'.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:18:44 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

Status : Offline
“When you're truly awesome, you know that it's actually a burden and wish day after day to be relieved of such a curse. Think of about 95% of the superheroes.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:20:12 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

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“Every human being has hundreds of separate people living under his skin. The talent of a writer is his ability to give them their separate names, identities, personalities and have them relate to other characters living with him.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:21:56 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

Status : Offline
“Talent is a long patience, and originality an effort of will and intense observation.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:24:22 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

Status : Offline
“Money follows art. Money wants what it can't buy. Class and talent. And remember while there's a talent for making money, it takes real talent to know how to spend it.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:25:42 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

Status : Offline
“Talent is extremely common. What is rare is the willingness to endure the life of the writer.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:26:59 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

Status : Offline
“Writing is really just a matter of writing a lot, writing consistently and having faith that you'll continue to get better and better. Sometimes, people think that if they don't display great talent and have some success right away, they won't succeed. But writing is about struggling through and learning and finding out what it is about writing itself that you really love.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:28:12 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

Status : Offline
“Talent is an accident of genes, and a responsibility.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:29:23 AM


Age: 34 Male
4088 days old here
Total Posts: 233
Points : 216

peshawar, Pakistan

Status : Offline
“Every talent must unfold itself in fighting.”

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Posted on December, 24 2013 09:30:25 AM