Subject : General Knowledge About Islam (Part 4) 153. In Zaboor under which name Muhammad (PBUH) were called? Farooq154. Zaboor was first to deliver or Torat Torat 155. In which language Torat, Zaboor and Injeel were delivered? Abrani 156. What is the meaning of Akhirah? A thing coming later 157. What is the opposite word to Akhirah? Dunya (word) 158. What is the meaning of Dunya? A thing in hand 159. Which two names of Hell are described in Holy Quran? Jahanum, Jaheem
160. Explain the first and the last Aqeeda (Belief)? Aqeeda-e-Tauheed, Aqeeda-e-Akhirah 161. What is the heading of Surah Ikhlas? Aqeeda-e-Ikhlas (Belief in Oneness of Allah) 162. “None deserves to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) is the Prophet of Allah “. It is the translation of……………. Kalima-e-Tayyaba 163. How many Kalimas are in Islam? 6 164. Name the Kalima which is necessary or a Muslim to recite? Kalima-e-Tayyaba 165. What is the meaning of Tayyaba? Purity 166. What is the meaning of Shahadat? Testimony 167. What is the meaning of Astaghfaar? Penitence 168. What is the meaning of Rad-e-Kufr? Repudiation of infidelity 169. What is the meaning of Salat? The recitation of Darood. 170. Namaz (Salat) means………… Rehmat, Dua, Astaghfaar 171. Namaz (Salat) was made obligatory during the Prophet’s Miraj in…………..of the Nabvi. 10th 172. The number of ‘Nafl’ Namaz is Five 173. Namaz-e-Kas00f is offered when………. Moon eclipses
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