Age: 62
4856 days old here
Total Posts: 5615
Points : 209
Quetta, Pakistan
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Subject : The actual abbreviation of ENGLISH... Now a days we all know that English is an international language, and everyone knows well about the concern language. But infact nobody knows about the concern language, that how it leaft to life and where it born. The abbreviation of English is as given below, E . England N . National G . Guidance L . Language I . International S . Society H . Harmony..England National Guidance Language International Society Harmony. (Bain-ul-aqwami mushray k mutabiq yah England ka qomi rahnumai zuban hay). I add this topic because it is very necessary to know about the abbreviation of English language, before going in depth. Now it is clear that it is the language which first start in England and then explore to the whole world. Keep in mind and also pray for me...
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