Age: 33
4881 days old here
Total Posts: 353
Points : 12
quetta, Pakistan
Status : Offline |
Subject : Eye Exam Assalam alaikum...>>>> Quick Eye Exam... >>>> >>>> This will blow your mind...! >>>> >>>> Just do it - don't cheat !! >>>> >>>> Try this it's actually quite good. >>>> >>>> But don't cheat ! >>>> >>>> Count the number of 'F's in the following text: >>>> >>>> FINISHED FILES ARE THE RE- >>>> SULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIF- >>>> IC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE >>>> EXPERIENCE OF YEARS >>>> >>>> Managed it? >>>> >>>> ............ Scroll down only after you have counted >>>> them! >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> OK? >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> How Many? >>>> >>>> Three? >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Wrong, there are six - no joke! >>>> >>>> >>>> Read again! >>>> >>>> FINISHED FILES ARE THE RE- >>>> SULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIF- >>>> IC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE >>>> EXPERIENCE OF YEARS >>>> >>>> >>>> The reasoning is further down... >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> The brain cannot process the word "OF". >>>> Incredible or what? >>>> >>>> Anyone who counts all six 'F' on the first go is a >>>> genius, Three is normal. Lets see !
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