Company Registration, Trade Marks,Patents and Copyrights
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We are traditionally specialized in, Company Incorporation (Pvt. Or public limited) , partnership, NTN certificate, Sales Tax Registration, Bank Certificates, Registration of Trade Marks/ Services Marks, Registration of Patents and Designs, Registration of Copyrights, Payment of Patent Annuity/Renewal Fee, Payment of Trade Mark/Service Mark Renewal Fee, Trade Mark Infringement Investigations, domain names, litigation, prosecution, licensing, Income Tax, Sales Tax & Federal Excise matters and have technical expertise in biotechnology, chemistry, engineering and software, translation for all Intellectual Property documents, in English, French, German and Arabic languages. Our firm combines the capabilities of Intellectual Property professionals and service managers along with skilled support personnel to provide fully integrated, high-quality comprehensive services. We help our clients capture the value of their intellectual property through patent, trademark, copyrights, and trade secret protection within a short span of time, this law firm strived to be a firm of excellence adhering to highest professional and ethical standards.
by Qadeer (few years ago!) / 746 views