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Viewed 1238 times, 0 applications, Posted on Dec, 22 2011
Category Home > Computers/IT >
Title Required Web Designer and Front-End Developer
Location Karachi
Job Description I''m a Freelance Web Designer expert based in Karachi , Pakistan I offer professional website services professional looking website, dynamic website, flash design, logo design for yours business or you are an individual requiring a small website or a large corporation requiring a much more intricate website that will meet your business needs and focus in on today''s internet marketing approach. I offer professional website services. professional looking website, dynamic website, flash design, logo design, SEO, maintenance and Redesign. I provide free website consultations so that I can get to know you and yours business and learn more about what you do. Cheap web design is still available with professional results. Freelance Website Design is not just my job it''s my passion. If you are looking for great freelance web designer service you are at the right place. I offer a full range of services to meet your needs: * Web Design * Web Re-Design * Logo Design * Graphic Design * Print Advertisements * Business Stationary (Letterhead, Cards, Envelopes) Web Design, Graphic Design, Logo & Identity Design, Flash Animation, Online Marketing, Blog Design & Build, Accessibilty / Usability Knowledge, Flash Intro Animation, Interactive CD Presentations, Software Designing, Joomla Template Design. CSS2.0, XHTML, Ulead PhotoImpact, DreamWeaver, Flash, Photshop, Illustrator, SWFIT 3D, Swish, Flex, Fireworks, Web 2.0 website design, PSD to table-less HTML xHTML CSS and more.
Contact Information
Name Ameen Akhter
Phone 03452538932 URL :
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