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Viewed 7632 times, 8 applications, Posted on Feb, 19 2015
Category Home > Management >
Title Required Executive Regional Manager Female
Location Karachi
Job Description Salary period: Monthly Regional Head Female for Pakistan, Middle East, Turkey Region who can Head all country Managers and Regional Manager for this region, Regional head will fully responsible for all company affairs (Marketing, Operations, Corporate, HR, Public Relations, and Inspection) Person fluent in spoken written English fully computer familiar able to develop business in appointed country able to take deep interest in culture and traditions also able to motivate people about our services chartered Jets and Cruise, Hydro Herbal Molasses, Media/Event etc Can Work as team leader to lead all country Heads with Business Development Manager, Operation Manager, Public Relation Manager, Corporate Relation Manager, Customer Relation Manager, Must have strong leading skills as she will fully responsible for her team performance and business growth in appointed Region, able to handle receive greet and confidently deal with delegations, able to look after company operational matters, also able to handle our most respectful highly corporate Royal families and Government semi Government highly corporate business group clients independently on behalf of company and Managing Director, Able to visit different office branches in Region, fully liberal bold person very well groomed in every sense required for this position who don’t have any personal or family issue regarding very frequent traveling and late working, pleasant attractive personality with sharp mind, company will provide every facilities during perform her duties to make maximum comfort, including residence, medical facilities health/life insurance with very attractive salary etc
Contact Information
Name Saphrd
Phone 03134899790 URL :
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