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Viewed 1325 times, 0 applications, Posted on Apr, 28 2014
Category Home > Accounts >
Title Required Female Office Assistant
Location Karachi
Job Description Company Name: e Voice Scribe (Pvt.) Limited Position Type: Full-time Salary Range: Rs 8,000 - Rs 10,000 Monthly Female Office Assistant Required - Only female candidates may apply - No prior job experience is required - Basic knowledge of computer will be preferred - Visit for interview along with documents (9:00 to 5:30 PM) - Salary depends on experience (Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 10,000) Send the following information by TEXTS to 0302 820 3114 to receive an interview call: 1) Name 2) Qualification 3) Age 4) Residential Area Address: e Voice Scribe (Pvt.) Limited Bungalow # 16, Plot No. 43/1-Q, Razi Road, PECHS, Block-6, Karachi PTCL: 34544650 Cell: 0302 820 3114
Contact Information
Name eVoiceScribe
Phone 34544650 URL :
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